New car seat

The time has arrived to upgrade Willow’s car seat. From birth she has been in a Maxi-Cosi, Pebble. It has been great and was also compatible with the pram, when out and about in the car we could take the pram frame and use the car seat on it.

Willow is a big girl (23lb and just under 8 months old) so she was rapidly outgrowing the Maxi-Cosi, Pebble.

I had been reading up on the benefits of erf (extended rear facing) and decided that I would like Willow to be rear facing for as long as possible because of the safety benefits. Most erf car seats are pretty big compared to forward facing seats which poses a bit of a problem for us, our car is a little 3 door hatchback!

We narrowed our choice down to two erf car seats, the Cybex Sirona or the Britax Dualfix. We decided we needed a seat that swivels because of the size of our car and getting Willow in and out of the back seats. Both seats are very similar in looks and features, 0-18kg and up to 4 years of age.

Willow and I were out shopping with my mum when we decided to pop into the Cardiff St David’s, Mamas and Papas store. I tend not to shop there too often because I find them a little bit pricey. That weekend they had a 10% off event and the Cybex Sirona was included! The seat is normally £400 but the discount knocked £40 off. A lovely staff member named Wendy gave us a demonstration and Willow even liked it!

I decided to buy it, delivery was arranged for the following Tuesday and I was so excited, it’s funny, once you have a baby, you get excited about new car seats, even if they aren’t for you!

It’s such a lovely car seat and I’m so glad we bought it but I feel like an accident waiting to happen, climbing in and out of the back seats with the baby. We may have just put a deposit down on a bigger car…………

I must say, the service we received was excellent, Willow was given a little armadillo pram toy as they were promoting their new Armadillo buggy and this morning, I received a £15 gift card from them for my custom. I think I will put it towards Willow Christmas Day outfit. I will definitely start shopping there more often.

Here’s a picture of Willow test driving the Cybex Sirona in store

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4 thoughts on “New car seat

    • I know every parent wants what’s best for their little one, especially if it involves safety but you almost feel guilty when it comes to erf seats as they are so much more expensive than forward facing seats.

      I really did have a pleasant experience when I was in store. Like I said in my post, I rarely shop there as I find them quite expensive but the sales assistant was lovely x

      • Good to hear other mummies doing their research on the higher safety ratings of rear facing car seats 🙂 ffion has just gone forward facing and she’s 3… We would have kept her longer but we needed the rear facing for Isaac… They have always loved their car seats… Shame that mamas and papas weren’t stocking them when we were buying, we had to order from Germany! Xxx

  1. Pingback: Extended Rear Facing Car Seats (ERF) | Madame g's lifestyleMadame g's lifestyle

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